Zzang: Archive – Melinda Werner

Melinda Werner contributed 1 poem to the September 26, 2000 edition of Zzang and 1 poem to the February, 2001 edition.



When u saw my other poem I bet you said, "Oh brother."
So just for the hell of it I'm sending another!
. . .and that was it. . .
it sounds like shit.



Being 18

Yay!  Now I can buy porn and vote.

Yes, 18 is a fun age to be.

I can get cigarettes and hurt my throat.

Since I'm 18 I'll call your mommy.


Poems are keen

when you are 18!

Too bad I can't write them.






Melinda Werner


February, 2001

·       Being 18


September 26, 2000

·       #2



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All original material © 2001 ERIKA SALOMON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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